Angels Travel Too.

One month ago my beloved Grandmother passed away. She was a strong, independent woman and one whom I looked up to dearly. Since her passing I have struggled with accepting that she is actually gone from this earth. I still have vivid dreams about her, which leaves me feeling empty like I lost of my…

Charlottesville, VA

As seen on  A week after meeting Dave Matthews in Chicago, I packed my bags and jetted off to Charlottesville to help many other adoring fans welcome Dave Matthews Band home. I was excited to see my DMB friends from all around the country one last time before the New Year. The night before the first…

So Damn Lucky: The Day I Met Dave Matthews

As seen on  I arrived at the United Center around 9 a.m., surprised how warm it felt for a December morning in Chicago. The Midwest is used to having snow this time of year, so the 40-degree weather with the glorious sunshine beating down on us was a nice surprise. Meeting up with my…