
Sitting on the bench, the sun beat down, the sand brushed onto my bare-legs and my love sat beside me- in that moment life felt content. David and I were on a Sunday bike ride- riding down to the ocean, along the pier then making our way circling the Bay, trying to soak in as…


It’s that time of the year again- the time when we gather around the table with a glass of wine, some delicious food and of course, our closest friends and family. It’s the time of the year when we remind ourselves exactly why we are so blessed and for all the reasons we are thankful. As…

Viva Las Vegas!

“Holiday RoooOOOooooad…” the classic song echoed as Dave and I belted it out late Thursday night. Paired with some ridiculous dance moves, we packed for our own little Holiday Road over to Las Vegas. Our friends from New York would be there for World’s Toughest Mudder so we figured why not go? We never miss…

Tough Mudder #3: Temecula, CA

When’s the last time you did something for the first time? Standing at the starting line for my third Tough Mudder, my adrenaline was racing as I listened to Sean give his pre-race speech. “When is the last time you did something for the first time? I challenge you to do something for the first…

On Top of the World – Adventures with Imagine Dragons

“What do you love about music?” “To begin with… everything.” *** Sometimes, what starts as a wonderful adventure- turns into something so much more than you could have ever planned. Dave and I were nearing our anniversary and to celebrate our year together, I knew it would be only appropriate to surprise him with tickets…