More Sweet Than Bitter.

The day has come! It feels like it was always just a distant daydream that would never arrive. The highs and lows of the last 10 months have given some of the most intense feelings and emotions in my life but every single step was a lesson in one way or another. Life as we know, must be lived forward but always understood only through reflection.

Today, June 11, Dave and I are starting my move down the West Coast. We are driving the coast from Seattle to San Diego to begin Chapter 25. One would think that while making such a drive, a plan should be established to ensure order and time for the trip. I was surprised but we actually are semi winging it. We have a general timeline but mostly keeping open minds to what we see along the way.

This past week in Seattle has been bittersweet. More sweet than bitter but nonetheless, the bitter creeps in there as it always does. People keep asking “are you ready?” Truthfully, the answer is I don’t know. Are we ever truly ready for anything? In true anxiety driven sense, I find myself questioning if my time here is up or if I’m leaving the party early. Have I accomplished everything I wanted to in Seattle? It seems to me, we always find our small slice of happiness just before we make a big change.

Alas, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t jump in headfirst, doing things based on feelings rather than sense according to the realist. To me though, following your heart does make sense. It’s not always the most monetary rewarding way to live a life but more times than not, it’s damn rewarding in happiness.

I may not be ready in the most practical sense but I am so very excited. I love new beginnings, new places, new spaces and new people. I’m excited to meet a bunch of new children and hopefully inspire their lives in some way. I’m excited for early morning walks on the beach. I’m excited for that California sun to grace my face on a daily basis. And mostly, I’m excited to spend each day with Dave and to watch our relationship continue to blossom into something quite frankly, I find beautiful.

Because life is an ever-changing glass door, I won’t say goodbye. You never know where the wind will blow you so for now, I’ll just say see you soon, Seattle.

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